The Keeper

Produced by the Moorlands Association this package has been produced for a target audience of younger pupils or adults.
In this award winning 17-minute DVD, Adam - who is lost on the moors after becoming separated from his school party - meets Fred, the gamekeeper. On the way back to the minibus Fred teaches Adam about the moorland - the landscape, the wildlife it supports, the bird species which need protecting, the importance of sustainable management and the need to maintain a natural balance.
KS1 English: Writing and Reading aloud
KS1 Science: Plants, Animal including humans, Living things and their environment
KS1 Geography: Human and Physical
KS1 Citizenship: Preparing to play an active role as citizens
KS2 English: Writing and Spoken language
KS2 Science: Plants, Living things and their habitats
KS2 Citizenship: Jobs
KS3 Geography: Human and Physical Geography