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Conservation Fact File 8 - European Hedgehog

Conservation Fact File 8 - European Hedgehog

In just the last 20 years the hedgehog population has declined by 30% in Urban areas and 50% in Rural areas but in fact the decline has been going on much longer than that and the hedgehog is now on the ‘Vulnerable to Extinction’ list so now is the time to introduce measures to halt this decline.

This resource will look at why and it will raise difficult questions. We also look at how we can help the urban hedgehogs in our gardens.

Aimed at Key stage  3,4 & 5, 11-18 year old children the video is accompanied by classroom worksheets to help reinforce the learning and ignite the interest of students in the ways in which we can all help keep the balance in our countryside.


KS1 Maths: Measure

KS1 Science: Animals including humans, Seasons, Living things and their habitats

KS1 Art: Drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas

KS1 Citizenship: Preparing to play an active role as citizens

KS2 English: Writing and Spoken Language

KS2 Maths: Measurement

KS2 Science: Living things and their habitats, Animals, including humans

Resource Files


European Hedgehog video


Knowledge check questions


Further research task


Application of knowledge
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